Hi guys! all right? I am very happy because now I am going to work in the cinema of the city (the one who knows, I am going to be able to assist to the movies without paying a cent, kkk) .My first day is today, from here I reduce in fact. I am already put in order and promptly for the action of the day of today. I believe what I am going to catch what I have to receive there in the restaurant only in this near Monday. Yesterday I knew a very great person. We promise to make our marks one day to go out and to know each other better! oh oh...
Excuse the small posts of recently but it is because I have been occupied by another things!!
Tudo bem sim xD (sim, eu sei que era uma pergunta retórica =P). Que ótimo que conseguistes o emprego novo! E puxa... cinema... vai ficar sabendo de todos os lançamentos ui ui ui. E boa sorte neste novo affair também ;)