quinta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2009

Necessary and expendable

Hi people!
Of this time I am going to recapitulate a little of what it took place in these last days in which I had not written it swims here. Well, we go there:

After having gone out from the Restaurant think that it would be going to spend a long period drowned again in my depressive pit (rs) but for my surprise I got a new work quickly. And one does not treat type as anything: " what comes easily goes easily " I am giving silver coin so that I support myself a good time in this new work. I face more like a present. The times there at home are not much complicated because I am living alone now, at least for some period of time. There was a count of water that should be paid and it was not and now I am without water. I am have to disturb an aunt every single day up to resolving the problem.
Today it is a day of cleaning in the work and they all will have to arrive more early (I always arrive more early) .Including our payment be going to carry out today! I think that my travel for Bolivia is going to have to wait a little more ... and my ps2 tbem. I have great thing to pay and think that there me will not be left great thing of my pittance. I do not know one is nor going to give of doing the contest of the IDARON ... I would like doing ... will it be that I take a risk? they are so many things to do and it is very difficult to opt for the certain thing! It is difficult to choose between the necessary thing and the expendable thing.

2 comentários:

  1. Olá... estou um tempo sem comentar aqui xD entao cara, nao precisa optar, faça os dois! Sempre tem um jeitinho... pode demorar... mas se isso é o que te faz feliz, ou é o passaporte para isso, entao faça pow! mesmo que dê errado, você estará aprendendo algo =) Boa sorte no novo emprego \o
